The FBI Warning Screens Wiki

This is a warning screen from Hemdale Home Video. In the 1980s, Hemdale was owned by Orion Pictures. In 1995, Hemdale Home Video ceased business operating because Hemdale and Orion Pictures were now owned and exclusively distributed by MGM in the late 1990s.


Hemdale Warning

The warning screen is a black background with white "FBI" and on the right is the white box "WARNING" in red and black text below, though the last line, which at the right bottom was justified from left to right. This warning was very look similar to the Warner Home Video warning screen. This was also used for Warner Home Video for DVDs, Kid Rhino Home Video (through the background is blue), and BWE Video.

As seen on VHS, such as The Terminator (1984), Little Nemo: Adventure in Slumberland (1992), Savage Land (1994), and others.
